EDCLV 2023 was the first time I put my phone into “Airplane Mode." I had pretended like I was leaving the world behind and entering another dimension. Another plane of existence. I’ve transcended and humans can’t reach me there. Please leave a message.
That’s why I don’t have a ton of raving pics. There’s been times where I didn't check my phone the entire night and it stayed sealed up in my backpack or locker. I didn’t care to know the time or what DJ was playing next. I’m living in the moment and enjoying the music.
More recently, I started going into airplane mode while creating. When I’m writing, live-streaming, filming vlogs, or making EDM mixes. I am connected with the other side and again humans can’t reach me. God/Higher Power/The Universe is working with me one-on-one helping me make my art. I know God is there because I’ve been nudged again and again with signs from the Divine this past year and a half especially during the more difficult times like when I'm feeling like no one understands me… no one likes me… cycling through my ups && downs... that I am on the right path and to KEEP GOING. KEEP CREATING.
In addition to being diagnosed bipolar-1, sometimes I feel like my cycling comes from my “Moon in Pisces 3rd house” square “Mercury in Gemini 7th house” with a 3 degree orb aspect (which is tight considering some astrologers use upwards of 8 degree orb for Moon/Sun). The Moon & Mercury both being in air houses reveal my CONSTANT need to communicate. Squares are also a more challenging aspect to work with as there is a lot of friction just like a 90 degree bend in fluid mechanics which is why I feel like I struggle. I like to think because 90 degree bends work in the civil engineering design world that they too work the same way in the astrology realm. They work, but they aren't the first choice. We as designers only use them when absolutely necessary for water to make a sharp turns and there’s not a lot of room to put a bend with less friction for a smoother change in direction.
I’ve been diving into online readings about squares and gather that this type of aspect is actually more conscious in a person and they can choose to integrate or not; unlike some aspects being in the subconscious realm. I am choosing to integrate. I am here on this planet to evolve.
2025 has arrived and I am so happy for these new beginnings. The Lunar New Year is around the corner and I am extra excited for it now that I am understanding the rhythm of the cosmos more. It is "Year of the Snake" which according to several online horoscopes allude to it being auspicious for us rabbits especially in term of wellness and business. That's a good sign! Didn't say much about love, but that's not really my priority considering my divorce was just finalized 4 months ago so am enjoying my newfound freedom && independence!
Resolutions, Ins & Outs, Goals.... Whatever you want to call them I guess I'll put some of mine here because even though they are a little off beat they might possibly resonate with you. These are concepts that I have grasped from astrological ideas then in Elektra Flora fashion twisted them into something more human and constructive.
Saturn & Uranus in 1st House Sagittarius (Natal)
Never let boredom conquer. Always be my most authentic self regardless how others perceive me. Seek truth and knowledge above all else.
Sun in Taurus (Natal)
The Earth is my home and I shall give her the love she deserves. Always keep her in mind like I do the Sun, Moon, && stars.
Sun in 6th House (Natal)
Having a routine is KEY to success.
8th House with Mercury, Mars, && Moon in Cancer (Progressed)
Push boundaries in conversation with more taboo subjects such as mental health, occult, sex, drugs, and death. I will not wear a mask nor hide my true feelings. I have no filter.
Pluto in Aquarius (Transit)
Embrace my own masculinity. I have both feminine and masculine energies in me. If I choose to integrate both I can become a master manifester. It takes both energies to "create" whether it's something physical and literal like a human baby OR intangible like a business/project idea.
Here I am again pushing myself to write because I haven't published in over month. I am not letting time or people pressure me. My art takes so many forms. I'm bouncing around from dancing to DJ'ing to styling outfits and that's OK. I am NOT like other people. This is my true self and how I like to live as a human. It's a bit chaotic, but I'm working everyday towards a more scheduled routine. It's part of my journey and challenges as a human.
My first mix of the year! Check out Soundcloud for the tracklist.
A new year symbolizes new beginnings as it is a time to rest, reflect, reset, and redirect. Where do you hope to see yourself in another year? You can't achieve goals or manifest your dreams if you don't have clear and concise plans. This is the archetype of Capricorn. Capricorn is the sea goat and is illuminated when the sun is in it's territory from December 22nd - January 19th. Ruled by Saturn and an Earth element Capricorn is stern, determined, and practical.

Capricorn will help you swim the deepest seas and climb the highest mountains here on Earth. TBH, Capricorn gets a bad rep as not being the most fun, but it truly is the MOST MAGICAL!!! Capricorn in your chart will point you in the right direction so you aren't exploring the world aimlessly. Trust me - I was climbing the wrong mountain for YEARS... it was when I was trapped taking my environmental engineering exam seven times.
Capricorn helped me understand that passing that exam wasn't my true destiny. Yes, engineering is part of my story and I have no regrets, but me becoming a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) wasn't part of my journey (as of right now at least). I didn't give up nor do I feel like a failure. Not passing this exam numerous times made my mind more agile. I pushed myself over and over training my brain in numerous difficult subjects. It was like the Olympics for my mind. I am proud of how far I went from my 1st exam to my 7th. I truly gave it MY ALL. That's why it's so gut-wrenching. I surely thought my 6th time would be my last. When it wasn't and I thought lucky number 7 was it... but wasn't. It was time for me to redirect.
Going into airplane mode has helped me tap into my inner voice, turn off the world, && have Capricornian focus on my art. I love my art. It truly reflects who I am; a complex human-being with a compassionate heart to do good in the world.
Capricorn also showed me that it's OK to climb the wrong mountain. Instead of feeling defeat one should use it as strength && practice to climb the next one... the RIGHT ONE.
Stay true to yourself. Let your inner light shine brightly && the unique note in your voice be heard.
Elektra Flora