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2025 Lunar New Year && Changing My Perspective on Time

Today marks the beginning of a new cycle with the new moon in Aquarius. This new moon is significant because it is the midpoint between the winter solstice and the vernal (spring) equinox. There is an astrological rhythm behind the significance to this new beginning... unlike the Gregorian calendar.

The Gregorian calendar is a modified version of the Julian calendar invented in the ancient Roman times. It was based around politics and for tax purposes. The Romans decided to disassociate from the moon entirely when they designed the calendar.

Elektra Flora has tension with the Romans in a sense that yes she loves them for their cultural (arts, architecture, literature, ect.) and engineering advances, but completely despises how their politics and society was run. They had zero empathy conquering tribes and enslaving people. They were ruthless people. Watching the show "Sparticus" on Starz not only had me sobbing, but completely changed my view on them as a society. If you don't know the story behind Sparticus (his slave name unfortunately as his real name was not documented) he was a hero for so many people during his time leading a rebellion against the Romans. He continues to inspire and move me emotionally as thinking about him brings tears to my eyes and gets me furious.

I don't want or care to follow a calendar invented by the Romans. Those people had slaves. Those people had no regard for human life. Those are the same people who started nailing people to crosses... yep just like how Jesus was crucified.

In Aquarius fashion I decided to be off beat and do my own thing. I'm tired of doing what everyone else is doing. I'm tired of being influenced. I'm tired of human existence being so focused around money. I'm tired of following a calendar that doesn't even make sense to me.

I don't want to blindly follow some calendar invented by these heinous people. I am a child of the stars. My heart and spirit are in the sky despite my physical-being being here on planet Earth. I want to connect with those who brought me here- the Gods, Goddesses, spirit guides, angels, and all the beautiful loving entities that we so sadly forgot about because of the construct we live in that negates their very existence.

I have faith. They are there and they are not only watching over me, but all of us. I don't think they judge at all as they are just observing how us humans have free will and Earth is a school. We are here to learn, grow, and evolve. It's up to us whether we want to progress or repeat Earth school for the next 1,000 years. We'll just keep coming back and reincarnating until we get it right.

With this Lunar New Year in the Chinese Zodiac of the Snake- I want to shed old ideas that aren't working for me... like this Gregorian calendar.

It doesn't serve me. There's no rhythm to it and it's not beautiful. It's constructed by a bunch of human dudes in Ancient Roman times that wanted to get their monies from the people they ruled over.

I want to be in tune with the cosmos. I see the cosmos as a carefully crafted watch with numerous working pieces that all come together to paint a picture on how we can somewhat comprehend time... as time is an illusion anyways. We can't explain, visit, or prove the past or the future, only the now exists. The present is all that matters.

bullet journal calendar
My 2025 Calendar for Aquarius Season

The first calendar ever discovered was based on lunar patterns... not the sun and definitely not on taxes. I want to tap into that pattern. That rhythm. That beat that has the planets dancing.

I created my own calendar and reframed my perspective. I used to hate Mondays, but now I love them as it is "Moon Day" for me. I focus on what the Moon represents and how I can bring her into my present state of awareness. Reflecting, resting, and self-care are a few things I do to honor the Moon.


Shedding of the old not only encompasses changing my perspective on time because the old way didn't serve me, but I deleted my Facebook && Radiate accounts. Facebook I had for almost 20 years while my Radiate account was going on 9 years this June. I'll never forget back in 2005 when a high school friend said "You should create a Facebook account... it's the new MySpace!" and then on the shuttle bus from EDCLV in 2016 people talking about the new "raver app."

screenshot of Radiate App account
Screenshot of my Radiate profile before deletion

These social media accounts were both great in the beginning, but as time passed they both went downhill. I hate to sound elitist, but the moment Facebook wasn't for college students and opened up to everyone... it got "dumbed" down. Intellectually challenged people talking nonsense and standing on soap boxes. Radiate got overwhelmed with scammers and people promoting their OnlyFans content.

The drama. The arguing. The politics. ALL NOISE. ALL DISTRACTIONS.

I'm done. It was a good run, but in this new age we all know how much social media has affected our mental health. There's been times I spiraled into depressive episodes because of someone saying something mean to me online. TBH that's why every single one of my YouTube videos has comments turned off. I admit it I'm sensitive AF and I don't need comments from the peanut gallery on my art work. I want people to consume my art as if it were in a museum. You can look and have conversations with those around you, but there is no option to leave a comment under a painting. Imagine how insane the Mona Lisa's comments would be. "She's ugly. You could've gotten a hotter model." "Great work Leo DaVinci!" "You should've used some brighter colors..." blah blah blah.


I've never been more excited for a New Year than I am today. I remember 25 years ago we all thought going into the year 2000 that some crazy shit would happen. A black out? No internet? THE WORLD ENDING?!?! I was12 years old... equating to my 12th House Profection. What a perfect age to experience a turn of the century!

Today in 2025, instead of being anxious for the future like I was in 2000, I'm excited for what the cosmos have in store for me. I've caught on to the beat of the their drum and have been dancing to it for almost 2 years now... since year of the rabbit. I was awakened as it was my 3rd time experiencing a 12th House Profection. My soul started listening to that magical song created by the universe and I have experienced so many beautiful things from meeting Tove Lo to finding my own inner light && the unique note in my voice. I only hope that others awaken && are able to hear the song too. It's the most beautiful song ever as it was created by the heavens.

Let your inner light shine && the unique note in your voice be heard.

Happy Lunar New Year!! May all your New Moon wishes come true!


Elektra Flora

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