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Heavily Plutonian && Moving Forward with Sustainability Initiatives

Writer's picture: Elektra FloraElektra Flora

Trigger warning : This blog post contains topics of death and a traumatic experience. Please read with caution.

I don't know the approximate onset of bipolar disorder, but I can say for certain that it was a mix of environmental factors and experimentation with prescription drugs (at the direction of some urgent care PA) in addition to being pre-dispositioned to it genetically. I have had numerous traumatic experiences throughout my life and conditioned to not talk about them. It turned into me just holding secrets and not being able to fully emotionally process my experiences.

The first time I truly experienced trauma was when I was 7 years old. I have only talked about this story twice for certain and maybe once another, but I think it's important I share regardless of how hard it is for me to talk about and relive. It's important I share because this is a prime example of a person who is heavily influenced by the planet Pluto in their birthchart. Pluto also known as Hades is God of the Underworld and according to astrologers, death or near death experiences can happen from a young age for those whom are heavily influenced by his energies.

When I was 7 years old, my parents (whom were still together at the time) had hired a young inexperienced babysitter to watch me and my two younger sisters. I remember that day clearly. It was a nice warm day at the pool. The sun was shining. Me and another young male child whom both were wearing arm floaties were hanging on the edge of the pool gripping the ledge. My youngest sister was walking around the edge of the pool with her little pink tutu one piece bathing suit like a ballerina and her Barbie. My middle sister was inside the pool house with the babysitter and from what I recall at least one teenage-aged male and I'm assuming the relative of the other child in the pool. They were playing a game of pool (billiards). Us kids who were in and around the pool were completely unattended.

It must've only been a minute, because when I turned around from looking one way and now looking at the stairs of the pool... my youngest sister was gone. I frantically looked around. I look at the bottom of the pool. There was my sister. Laying face down next to her Barbie. She wasn't moving at all.

I started screaming. "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I remember a Hispanic man came from my right and jumped over my head into the pool in full clothing and boots. He was a yard worker that was trimming the hedges near the pool. I then see the teenaged age boy run from the pool house, jump in, and all chaos had ensued. The yard worker was the one who pulled my sister out of the pool and gave her CPR in front of my eyes. I remember my middle sister and the female babysitter screaming and crying in horror... watching. The teenage boy doing no good now completely drenched and just watching the man resuscitate my sister. I was in the pool the entire time still hanging on the edge with the floaties on my arms wishing my littlest sister was wearing them instead of me...

Sagittarius Rising Profection Chart
Seeing my sister almost drown happened during my 8th House Profection (Pluto rules the 8th house) at the young & impressionable age of 7

I never talked about that day until about 2015 and again around 2019 after drinking heavily with a group of people I had met that night at a bar. I guess I never thought how the (almost) tragic event affected me because I never talked about it and no one ever asked me about it until my youngest sister and I casually started talking about our "irrational fears" in that 2015 conversation. She said she never drinks water because she had drowned when she was younger. I said "I know I was there and witnessed the entire thing." She then said no one ever told her what happened that day. It seemed like my family didn't make a big deal about it since my sister survived.

 In the grand scheme of things... I helped save my sister's life. At 7 years old I listened to my intuition that something was wrong. I don't know if I knew the concept of drowning or what was even happening, but seeing a human being completely motionless at the bottom of a pool was horrifying. Even more horrifying was seeing her being pulled out of the pool with completely blue lips. Something that didn't go away immediately. I remember visiting her in the hospital and her getting to eat lots and lots of ice cream. I guess her throat had hurt from the entire experience.

The thing about Pluto, is it represent the power of regeneration. Represented by the Phoenix, it is in a cycle of death and rebirth. That's the beauty of human nature and our existence. Regardless of the most horrific, traumatic, or hurtful life experiences, one must rise above them and learn to live and cope. It is essential to our being. If we didn't regenerate we wouldn't be able to go on living life as the horrors would cloud our ability to function.

They say "God only gives people challenges they can handle." I think that sentiment resonates with astrology in a sense that Higher Power only give these challenging astrological placements to those who can handle. Those who face and overcome these challenges are certainly always rewarded. In my findings, Heaven && Hell are a construct that manifests in our current reality. Those aren't places in an "afterlife."


Pluto being in my 11th house and in opposition to my Venus in 5th house has caused me to have a very turbulent and imbalance of relationships, values, and group dynamics that involve power struggles. In my experiences these oppositions feel like a see-saw of energy. They can be kept in balance, but when they aren't it turns into one planet basically sucking the life force out of the other. Squares feel more like energies that have to constantly work with each other that give & take, but they seem to always stay in balance. I think of it more like dental floss around a tooth going back and forth on a single plane. The square does push/pull and doesn't teeter-totter like a see-saw.

With the Pluto in 11th House Scorpio placement I’ve always gotten vibes from people that I’m a “love me or hate me” type of person. I feel like I’ve always struggled with fitting in and even more so navigating social media. There are people who seem to love me and see me for me, while others misunderstand me and it turns into bullying and hating on me for no specific reason.

I remember being bullied as early as Kindergarten. I had a friend that required “extra playtime” and I’m unsure to this day if it was because she was special needs, hyperactive, or had issues going on at home. This friend got to choose a friend to play with her during these extra playtime sessions and she typically brought me. I remember the other kids in the classroom making fun of her because “she picks her nose and her butt.” That never bothered me, because she was always nice to me and who doesn’t want extra playtime? No, I wasn’t using her. I think exploitation of a friendship is beyond the comprehension of a 5 year old. For me, I just enjoyed having fun and making friends with people who were nice to me. I have always been a friend to everyone regardless of how they looked, their disabilities, or what other people thought of them. TBH, I think I’ve always had a 6th sense for vibes. I’m attracted to those who radiate a loving and innocent vibration. 

In my last post I talk about how I finally deleted my almost 20 year old Facebook && 8 year old Radiate accounts. As of today I deactivated both my Instagram handles as I have my personal account and one for Elektra Flora. Why? It is a hindrance to me progressing in my artwork. Instead of me writing or completing tasks to help advance my artwork I get sucked into Instagram for HOURS. All for what? Some likes??

Prior to deactivating Instagram I scrolled a bit and noticed how common it was for people to not actually engage with those they were following. A super sweet podcaster I met at a smoothie shop almost a year ago that I follow just had a baby and her post was over 3 days old. It had roughly 50 likes and ZERO comments. I was the first one to comment something along the lines “Congratulations. He’s precious!” A few more scrolls down I see an artist I barely know in the local music scene post that he just hit 1,000 followers! Again- roughly 40 likes and ZERO comments. I was the first one to congratulate him after 16 hours of the post being up.

Am I being hypocritical considering all my YouTube comments are turned off so who am I to judge on comments? Well… first of all having a YouTube channel is much different than Instagram and I am able to showcase my actual artwork. Instagram was more of a marquee where I had to direct people to go to other spaces on the internet (my blog, YouTube, Twitch, && Soundcloud) to find my work. Instagram isn’t where the work is actually being showcased.

Is it all for validation? To feel connected? If anything I felt less connected. I’d see pictures of large groups of people I knew gathering and of course I wasn’t invited. People going out with their friends and enjoying spending time together. I have a hard time even keeping friendships because of my condition. I’m a person with a lot of energy. I get irritable very easily. I have non-stop goals and dreams. I’m extremely opinionated. It’s a lot to take in and I noticed it drains people. They keep their distance from me and that’s OK.

I’m a lone wolf. I always felt like the odd person out and Instagram validated those feelings.

Instead of it getting to me I just decided to take a break. I know it might be a hindrance to the growth of Elektra Flora for the time being, but I’m 3 weeks away from yoga school. I need 101% focus. No time to socialize or get involved in drama. I don’t want to be tempted to go to shows or concerts, because I genuinely don’t have the time. I also need to exercise, adequate rest, and nourish my body by eating better. The goals I want to accomplish require every bit of energy I have to work towards them otherwise I won’t accomplish them.

That’s how intense engineering school was for me. Eat, sleep, study, repeat. Was I clubbing that time? No. Was I out socializing every weekend? Nope. I sacrificed so much for my degree and to be honest it was worth it. I am proud of my degree and no one can take it away from me. 


The “Sustainability” pillar in my blog has been neglected for quite some time. It’s not that I haven’t had any topics to talk about… It’s that I have too many and I didn’t know how to sort it out so I could make progress. I have several projects going on and wanted to write about them once I was complete, but it’s been months. Yes I’ve made progress, but very slowly at the rate of a sloth or snail.

What am I doing at the moment in terms of sustainability?

Sustainability means an amalgamation of things for me. The largest of course is sustainability in terms of the environment, but I also believe we need to have economic equality and being of help to those who are disadvantaged. To me, sustainability is creating a society that is “sustainable” for all of us currently and for generations to come. 


Instead of posting to my blog I have spent time posting on my Instagram. I can’t have regrets, but moving forward I need to invest in what not only brings me joy, but invest in the development of my blog. My blog is safe from all the noise and bullying. This is my safe space. My place to blossom. My place to shine. I'm not in competition with anyone's attention. I can just be myself.


I remember when I found out I was heavily Plutonian it was like a genetic make-up I couldn’t change. It was part of my DNA. I worried that it made me dark or unlikeable… instead over time I realized it made me a strong ass person. I’m a person that has lived several lives and regenerated just like phoenix rising from the ashes. I’ve been the cheerleader, the engineer, the artist… I’ve reinvented myself time and time again.

In order to be that new person I’ve had to shed the old… just like a snake (synchronously it’s year of the snake!). One cannot hold on to the old version of themselves and expect a new beautiful version of themselves to emerge from the ashes. It’s fucking death. The old version must die. It needs to erupt into flames and dwindle to ashes. Nothing left but fragments of the old.


I’m prepared for this new version of me. I visualize a successful author, business-owner, artist, yoga teacher, and enlightened being with a hand reached out for all those curious to walk in the light side-by-side. I consider myself a light-worker. I’ve been in the abyss. I’ve faced death and told him “not today.” He’s honestly not as scary as he was made out to be… he’s just doing his job.

Being heavily Plutonian has been instrumental in my development as a human-being. I wouldn't be who I am today without his guidance && strength.

Let your inner light shine && the unique note in your voice be heard.


Elektra Flora

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